Here is Pearl - she is a super pity case senior beagle who was pulled from a local high-kill pound just hours before she was scheduled to die. This is the most precious little dog in the history of the world. She is about 8 years old, weighs only 19 pounds - but needs to chunk on some weight still - and is very quiet, calm, and meek. She was an owner surrender to the pound and while we can not be 100% sure on her background, she smacks of a dog that has spent her life crammed in a rabbit hutch churning out litter after litter after litter after litter of beagle puppies. She is shy but warms up once she knows you are kind and sweet to her. She latched on to her foster mom really quickly and is content to follow her around the yard and is trying to be a dog - rolling in the grass, sniffing around, and then is ready to come back in the house for a nap. She is great in a crate - goes right in even when the door is open - but will not sleep on any type of bed - will scruntch it up in the corner and sleep on the crate floor. She has had one accident in the house thus far but only because her foster mom didn't realize she was howling to go out! If you can offer Pearl a life of luxury and affection for her golden years, please ask about her today! She is in foster care in Tennessee with Carroll County Humane Society. please email robertss@bethelu.edu if you want to give Pearl a home!